On-Site Workplace Physiotherapy

With the individual and unique demands and manual handling requirements of every workplace, there is no better way to assess these than having one of our physiotherapists attend your workplace.

Our physiotherapist can work with you and your team to identify any body stressing or manual handling activity that you would like to review and improve.

By steering clear of the “one size fits all” and “what the book says” approach, our physiotherapists can assist in developing specific control measures to reduce the impacts of force on youth team’s bodies and therefore, reduce the likelihood of them suffering a body stressing injury.   

On-Site Workplace Physiotherapy - Enhance Physiotherapy
On-Site Workplace Physiotherapy - Enhance Physiotherapy

Our therapists are experienced in assessing and addressing workplace demands within offices, working in building/construction, transport, logistics, warehouses and anywhere that you have your frontline workers.   

Our philosophy is that by including your workers in the process of identifying body stressing activities and developing the control measures for these activities, they are more likely to own the control measures and comply with them.   

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