4 Surprising Causes Of Neck Pain

4 Surprising Causes Of Neck Pain | Enhance Physio Albury, Wodonga, Lavington

Do you find yourself constantly experiencing neck pain but can’t seem to figure out why? It may not just be from sleeping in a weird position or sitting at your desk all day. There could be some surprising causes contributing to your discomfort.

Neck pain is a common complaint that many people experience at some point in their lives. While it’s often attributed to poor posture or muscle strain, other lesser-known factors could be at play.

If you’re dealing with persistent neck pain and can’t seem to find relief, it’s important to consider all possible causes. From the way you sleep to the way you carry your bag, there may be unexpected reasons behind your discomfort.

4 unexpected causes of neck pain

If you have regular neck pain that won’t go away, it’s conceivable that some aspects of your everyday routine are contributing without your knowledge.

Here are some common everyday actions that could be exacerbating your neck pain.

1. Your sleeping position

It’s easy to underestimate the effects of your sleeping posture, but spending hours in a single position will affect your body.

Pillows that are too high or too low may cause your cervical joints to be at the end of their range with too much flexion, extension or lateral flexion.

Similarly, sleeping on your stomach frequently results in your thoracic spine being locked in extension and your neck fully rotated.

Simply put, your joints are under greater stress than they need to be. The ideal sleeping posture permits your spine to preserve its natural curves.

A physiotherapist can help you find the ideal sleeping posture to maintain the natural curves of your spine.

2. Your daily commute

Many of us make sure that our workstations are ergonomically designed to reduce stress and strain during the day. Few of us evaluate the same factors when driving.

The setup of your car can be just as crucial as your workspace, especially if you drive for more than 30 minutes each day.

With the proper configuration in your vehicle, you can drive with less effort and turn your head less frequently to watch for traffic.

A physiotherapist can assess your posture and recommend adjustments to your seat, headrest, and mirrors to promote better neck alignment and improve your posture.

4 Surprising Causes Of Neck Pain | Enhance Physio Albury, Wodonga, Lavington

3. Your downtime

After work, many of us unwind by watching television or using our phones or laptops. Your position during this period may be something you don’t think about, but gazing up to see a screen mounted on a wall or looking down at a small screen or laptop might strain the upper neck structures.

Take a few minutes to assess what position you’re sitting in before settling into a binge. Watch a series and see if you can adjust the height of your screen to put your neck in a more neutral posture.

A physiotherapist can teach you stretches and exercises to improve your posture and strengthen the muscles that support your neck.

4. Your exercise routine

Even exercise can cause neck pain if you don’t do it correctly. Incorrect form during exercise can strain your neck muscles. Any action that demands prolonged or repetitive neck movements might cause neck pain.

Cyclists can become locked in neck extension while gazing ahead, and breaststroke swimmers can likewise experience excessive neck extension.

Freestyle swimmers with limited thoracic or neck rotation may have difficulties breathing, resulting in pain and discomfort over time.

Even weightlifting exercises can cause neck pain if you’re not using the proper form. 

A physiotherapist can help you identify any problematic exercises in your routine and suggest modifications or alternatives.

Physiotherapy treatment for neck pain

Your physiotherapist can discover any regular behaviours or activities that may be causing your neck pain.

Physiotherapy treatment for neck pain can include:

  • Manual therapy: This involves hands-on techniques such as massage, joint mobilisation, and stretching to improve flexibility and reduce pain.
  • Exercise therapy: A physiotherapist will develop a program of specific exercises to strengthen the muscles that support your neck and improve your posture.
  • Education: A physiotherapist will teach you how to prevent future neck pain by practising good posture, using proper ergonomics at work and home, and avoiding activities that aggravate your pain.
4 Surprising Causes Of Neck Pain | Enhance Physio Albury, Wodonga, Lavington

Final thoughts

So, next time you start to feel that nagging neck pain, remember that it could be caused by something unexpected. Whether it’s your smartphone habits, your sleep position, your stress levels, or even your diet, there are often simple changes you can make to alleviate the discomfort.

Don’t ignore the signs; listen to your body and make the necessary changes to live a pain-free life. Your neck will thank you!

Book an appointment with one of our highly qualified physiotherapists at Enhance Physio before starting a rehabilitation program. We can advise you on the best course of action for your condition.



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