Tips for beating the excuses to exercise this winter!

As the days get shorter and temperatures continue to drop it can be easy to give in to the cold and lose exercise habits that were gained over the warmer months. It can be tough to get up early and find the motivation to venture outside when it’s cold and dark. 

Although its challenging we all try our best to keep moving over the winter months. Below are our tips for staying in the exercise game over winter!

  1. Dress the part. Make sure that you have the right equipment for exercising in winter. A winter jacket, long pants, warm socks, beanies and gloves can make a huge difference in the comfort you feel when exercising in the cold and can assist in overcoming the common “it’s too cold” excuse. 
  2. Find an exercise buddy. Find someone who enjoys similar activities to you and someone who can keep you accountable in the colder months. 
  3. Warm up inside. Get your body warm and blood flowing indoors where it is warm, this can help prepare your body for exercise before you move into the colder environments. 
  4. Change it up. If you find yourself getting bored or lacking motivation, try something new, whether that be joining a gym, attending group classes or joining a winter sport. Find something that keeps you accountable and excited to exercise. 
  5. Take advantage of winter sports. Take the opportunity to try a new sport with the vast variety of winter team sports available and the ski fields close there is an array or new opportunities out there. 
  6. Remember the benefits. Keep yourself motivated by remembering why exercise is good for you! 

Continuing to exercise during the winter months not only ensure we keep all those important gains from summer but helps to maintain vitamin D levels over winter. 

Here in Australia, especially in the southern parts, a vast majority of people will find themselves in a vitamin D deficiency come the end of winter.  Use exercising during the day or during your lunch break as a reason to get your body moving and ensure that the vitamin D levels stay within a healthy range over winter! 



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