A gluteal tendinopathy is characterised by pain on the outside of the hip. The main cause of a gluteal tendinopathy is thought to be too much activity including different activities that the body is usually unaccustomed to or too little activity

Other risk factorsfor a gluteal tendinopathy include:

  • Gender: women more likely than men
  • Age: more likely in those greater than 40 years of age
  • History of low back pain
  • Pelvis and hip shape
  • Higher body mass index

    GLUTEAL TENDINOPATHY - Enhance Physiotherapy


People who have a gluteal tendinopathy often report pain and discomfort (aggravation) associated with the following tasks and activities:

  • Crossing legs
  • Side-lying
  • Steps/stairs
  • Walking
  • Sitting to standing
  • Hip/back stretching exercises
  • Touching side of hip

The main features of managementfor a gluteal tendinopathy include:

  1. Load management
  2. Exercise therapy
  3. Modifying risk factors

Our team at Enhance Physiotherapy are skilled in accurately assessing, diagnosing and managing individuals experiencing a gluteal tendinopathy.



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